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15 Perfect Fall Bucket List Ideas for 2020

Fall is one of my absolute favorite seasons! The weather (typically) is perfect – not too hot and humid but not quite into the bitter cold winter stage yet. To help you (and me!) make the most of fall this year, I’ve put together a fall bucket list!

Below you’ll find things to do that are out and about, at home and in the kitchen. I only have 15 items so it doesn’t overwhelm you and some things can be done together!

Check it out!

Fall Bucket List for 2020


1. Visit a pumpkin patch

I love going to pumpkin patches! Head to one in early fall to stock up on fresh pumpkins and fun items to decorate with (all while supporting a local farmer!). It will help get you into the fall mood!

2. Go apple picking

Whether you go to pick a ton of apples for baking, cooking, etc or just to enjoy a couple of apples off a tree, head to a local orchard! There’s always fun things to do and delicious food to buy!

3. Take a drive to check out the fall foliage

Pre-kids I used to drive up north a few hours just to view the beautiful colors. Now we drive through a few wooded neighborhoods or around a lake or two to view the fall colors!

Even a simple walk could do the trick. Rishi proposed in the fall and our walk through the trees ended up getting us some amazing photos!

fall bucket list - get out and enjoy the leaves!

4. Watch a football game (and tailgate!)

Does anything scream fall more than watching a game in a crisp evening? Rishi and I went to a college football game together a few years ago and it was so fun!

While there won’t be any in person football games to watch, you can still tailgate in your driveway and pull out a projector pointed at your garage or house to watch a game outside!

5. Volunteer

Organize a food drive for a local food shelf or gather blankets for a shelter! Doing something to support others is always a great thing to do, no matter the season.

At Home

6. Carve a pumpkin

Or maybe just decorate one (check out my Jack-O-Lanterns you don’t need to carve post!)! 😉 I actually hate carving pumpkins but Rishi loves it!

7. Host a bonfire

When was the last time you had some friends over for a good old bonfire complete with s’mores? Add in some hot apple cider or hot cocoa and you’re sure to enjoy the cooling weather.

We’re all spending a bit more time outdoors these days so this is a great option!

8. Switch Up Your Decor

I love changing my fall porch decor from pink flowers to tons of pumpkins and hay bales before busting out the Christmas decor.

Even just adding a pumpkin or two to your front step is a fun way to invite your guests into your home!

This is what my front porch looked like a last year!

9. Pull out your fall clothes

We spend all summer sweating in our cutoffs and dresses. When the weather starts cooling off it’s time to bust out those cozy sweaters, boots and scarves!

Check out this post for tons of fall outfit ideas!

10. Send cards of thanks

Send simple cards to some of your closest friends letting them know how thankful you are for them! It doesn’t need to be anything extravagant, just a little note of thanks!

11. Make your own Halloween costumes

If you start early enough you can make your own Halloween costumes (and not stress TOO much about it!). I made Roy’s train costume last year (and technically mine too ha!) and it turned out so cute! I’m not the best DIY person but a simple costume for a 2 year old seemed do-able.

In the Kitchen

12. Bake a pie

I love to bake but I rarely do it in the summer. Fall is the perfect time to turn on the oven and dust off your cookbooks!

You can go as crazy as making your own crust or as simple as using a pre-made crust and a few simple ingredients! I made this one for Thanksgiving last year and it was so good!

13. Have a chili cook-off

I used to do this all the time pre-marriage and kids and it’s time to get back at it! Invite a handful of friends over and either encourage everyone to bring a small batch of chili or a couple of people to bring a bigger batch.

Rishi and I would likely each make one – he would make a crazy spicy one and I would make a more sweet one!

14. Make pumpkin bread

Go to Trader Joe’s, buy their pumpkin bread mix and get to baking! It’s one of the easiest breads to make and it’s so delicious!

15. Make hot apple cider

Hot apple cider is one thing I really only drink in the fall. Here’s a good recipe if you’ve never made it before!

I hope this fall bucket list helps you enjoy one or two more activities this fall and create even more memories from it! For more fall fun swing on over to this Jack-o-latern post or my fall fashion post!

As always, thanks for reading!

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