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Sustainable Living – A Sustainability Challenge!

Lately there has been more and more talk about sustainability and the importance of trying to be more sustainable in your daily life. One thing I’ve realized is that even the smallest change can have a huge impact!

For example, switching from plastic bags to reusable bags for snacks in the car (or in Roy’s lunches when we had school in session!) is one of those things.

Sustainable Living - A Sustainability Challenge!

Not only does it cost less overall to use something that I can reuse over and over, but I’m not throwing out a plastic bag (or 3) each time he takes a lunch to school, therefore eliminating the amount of waste we otherwise would’ve created each day!

Sustainable Living

First up, what is sustainable living? In simple terms, sustainable living is simply reducing your use of resources (both natural and personal!). Things like minimizing waste, limiting the use of Earth natural resources, and choosing local or seasonal foods are just a few examples of this!

We’re going to be sharing tons of different ways that you can begin to live a more sustainable life and we promise, it’s not as hard as it sounds!

Sustainability Challenge

My friends over at JKath have been talking about sustainability as well and how that pertains to not only your home but also with their remodeling business. The 2 of us decided to join forces for a Sustainability Challenge for the month of April!

Sustainable Living

How It Works

Here is how it’s going to work. We’ve created a printable calendar full month of different ideas to get you thinking about sustainability.

Some of them you might find to be super easy (skip the shower!) while others might be a bit harder (start a compost).

No matter how big or how small these seem, they all make a difference especially when hundreds or thousands of us join together to do them!


You’ll be able to download the calendar below to print off or just save to your phone for reference. As you complete any of the items on the calendar, share it to your IG stories or on a post, and tag us!

A Sustainability Challenge with prompts to live a more sustainable life.

You don’t need to do each item in a row so feel free to skip around and do what comes naturally! Our hope is that you’ll begin to start noticing how simple changes really aren’t that difficult and realize that even the smallest action can have a big impact.


What’s a challenge without giveaways? 🙂 We’ll also have giveaways for anyone who takes part in this challenge!

Throughout the month we’ll randomly draw names from anyone who has tagged us in posts or stories showing us how you’re being more sustainable! We have some amazing prizes so you’ll definitely want to join us.

Sustainable Living

These giveaway sponsors include:

  1. $50 Tonkadale gift card and mug
  2. Room & Board Emmet Chair
  3. Grove Plastic Swaps and Cleaning Kit
  4. Kura Home – filter delivery ($100 value)
  5. BeautyCounter Gift Card $150 from Christina Winter Rymer
  6. Primp – $100 gift card

We’ll be sharing even more about the brands involved in future posts so watch for that! In the meantime be sure to check out all of the brands listed above.

How to Enter

Each time you complete one of the prompts in the calendar, share what you did on stories or your feed and tag both of us @paisleyandsparrow and @jkath_designbuild and use the hashtag #SustainabilityChallenge2020 to be entered!

We’ll be picking names throughout the challenge to win some of the prizes! We hope you join us, even for a day or two.

Check out JKath’s post here!

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