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Fitness Challenge with Nourish Move Love!

If you’ve been following me over on Instagram you’ve probably heard me talking about the 30 day fitness plan I’m following created by the lovely Lindsey from Nourish Move Love. I thought I’d share my experience so far after following it for 2 weeks!

I finally started a formal workout program to being working out after having Roy! Like most postpartum mom, I got to the point after having my baby that I was ready to start losing the weight.

I do really well with fitness programs and someone telling me what to do so when Lindsey from Nourish Move Love reached out and asked if I wanted to try her program I immediately said yes!

(And no, I’m not compensated at all for this post. I just love Lindsey and her program and want to share it with all of you!)

nourish move loves workout video series

{photo cred Nourish Move Love}

Where I Started – Postpartum

To be 100% honest, I’ve never really had any troubles with keeping weight off or getting toned. I’ve always been super active. I’ve been doing sports through college and running half and full marathons as an adult so when I put on a few extra pounds (which pretty much happens every winter…I fondly refer to it as my winter layer) I know how to shed the pounds and tone up pretty quickly.

After having Roy I noticed that the weight didn’t fall off like so many people say it does. I put on about 20 pounds throughout my pregnancy. While the majority of the weight came off within a couple weeks, I was left with an extra 5 pounds and a pretty weak body. I worked out throughout my pregnancy but nothing like I was used to.

My friend and I signed up for a 5k so I started running again a few weeks after having Roy. (And by running I mean walk/jogging for a mile.) That helped me feel more like “me” again. I would “run” a couple times a week and do a postnatal strength workout I found online. These helped me to get back into the routine of working out but I still felt pretty weak.

**Side note: I worked with my doctor on when I should get back to working out. Everyone is different – some women start working out a few days after giving birth and some women wait a few months! The most important thing my dr said is to listen to your body and do NOT push anything. That’s why my runs are more like fast walks and half of my strength workouts are done with no weight!

simple green smoothie

{photo cred Nourish Move Love}

Nourish Move Love 30 Day Move Challenge

I’ve been following Lindsey/Nourish Move Love for a few months after we met at her Her Initiative event back in the spring. She’s one of those “normal” fitness bloggers that I love. No quick fixes or bikini bod pics, just 20 minute workouts and an “eat real food” mentality. Lindsey has an awesome Nourish & Move Training program that she recently sent to me to try out.

Two weeks ago I took the plunge and started her 30 day move challenge.

Her workouts are literally only 20 minutes long. This is absolutely perfect for someone like me with a newborn and a day that’s scheduled out in 3 hour increments when the next feeding happens. I can feed Roy, play with him a bit, put him down for a nap and get my workout and shower done before his next feeding. It’s perfect!


I modify a lot of the workout to work for me and my body.

Apparently breastfeeding can be hard on your wrists so when my wrists started getting really sore last week I switched up some of the planks and push ups. Lindsey’s big thing is to just keep moving during the workouts so that’s what I try to do. I might be going super slow or doing a totally different exercise but I’m still moving!

So 2 weeks in I’m already feeling more strong. It’s rare for a 20 minute workout to leave me super sweaty and sore the next day but these do! My legs and arms feel stronger and my core is slowly but surely tightening up a bit.

I separated my shoulder back in high school and when my shoulders aren’t strong enough I can’t sleep on my right side without waking up in major pain. Since having Roy my shoulder has been killing me. However, just a week into Lindsey’s program my shoulder pain is gone! It’s things like that that I love.

What I’m Eating

I haven’t been following her Nourish plan to a “t” but am following her guideline of eating “real” food.

My husband and I are eating more veggie filled dinners and I’m eating better lunches. (Things like tuna and some fruit as opposed to grilled cheese sandwiches ha!).

I still eat some ice cream or a handful of chocolate chips and have a glass of wine a few nights a week and don’t beat myself up over it. I’m a firm believer in everything in moderation. If eating a handful of chocolate chips is going to make a fussy baby seem less frustrating then I’ll eat the chocolate chips. 😉

I have tried a few green smoothies and am drinking a lot of water first thing in the morning. I bought the lemon to make her lemon water too (but haven’t actually put the lemon in the water yet…baby steps, people).

The day I started the program I took “before” pictures and did my measurements. I’ve actually never done anything like this before so I’m curious to see what the “after” is like! Stay tuned for 2 weeks from now to see the results…and watch my Instagram page for a giveaway with Lindsey to win her entire Nourish Move Program!!

Head over to full review of Nourish Move Love’s program!

Want more fitness posts? Check out my BBG Review (the program I did after Penelope was born) or my Peloton treadmill and Peloton bike reviews!

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