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36 Transforming Christian + Positive Affirmations

I think we can all agree that saying nice things to yourself, or positive affirmations, are important to do. Being able to look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself of the amazing person you are can be life giving in so many ways.

As someone who believes in God, I also believe Christian affirmations and memorizing scripture, especially when it comes to our character, is important. Being able to remind yourself of who you are in the eye’s of God on hard days can make an awful day seem not so terrible.

I mentioned the power of saying nice things to yourself in this Self Care post that my friend Jena taught me, and I do believe it’s a powerful thing to do.

It can be hard!

However, it can be hard to actually practice saying positive affirmations to yourself! Life gets busy and it’s easy to let this practice slide and focus on other people or other tasks.

I’m a mom of 3 very young kids, ages 4 and under and to be totally honest, the act of positive affirmations is just not part of my routine. I can be so quick to go down the rabbit hole of losing my patience with my kids, snapping at them and then immediately feeling like the worst mom in the world.

36 Positive affirmations for adults, moms, Christians and kids!

That’s why I wanted to share this post. Sometimes saying positive things to yourself is just not natural. Or you don’t know what to say. Or you forget what all the great things about yourself or what God says about you.

So together let’s start saying positive affirmations and Christian affirmations to ourselves!

What to do with positive affirmations and Christian affirmations

Bookmark this page so you can reference in when you’re in a funk or feeling down. Set an alert on your phone to reference it at the start of each week.

Another thing you could do, is write down one that resonates with you and tape it on your bathroom mirror. Or print out the whole list and put it on your fridge!

Each of us has different things that will help us remember to actually speak positive affirmations to ourself so find what works best for you and stick with it.

I also have a section of things to say to your kids (or nieces, nephews, neighbor kids, etc.).

Children in our lives need to hear more than “I like your haircut.”. They need to hear positive affirmations too! Things like they are loved, treasured and gifts from God, for instance.

Start saying these to your kids every day or mailing your nephew a card reminding him how smart and kind he is. I promise they will appreciate it.

Positive Affirmations for Adults, Moms, Christians + Kids

What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are positive statements to change your thoughts from negative to positive to get through hard situations or simply change your day around!

What are Christian affirmations?

Christian affirmations are positive, encouraging statements based out of Biblical truths. They help us turn our thoughts from us to God and

What are examples of positive affirmations and Christian affirmations?

Below is a variety of examples of positive affirmations and christian affirmations. There are ones to say when you start your day, there are ones to say if you’re a mom or believe in God and there are even ones to say to your kids!

These are all just ones to get you going. Add to these. Pull out the ones that resonate with you. This is simply a guide to get you going and to help you begin the practice of saying positive affirmation to yourself, each and every week.

Christian Affirmations

God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control.

I am loved by God.

God will never leave me or abandon me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.

God has great plans for my life.

I have been uniquely designed for a purpose.

God listens to me.

I trust God.

God had me in mind before I was born.

Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day

Christian affirmations based out Biblical text

I will be present in every moment.

I’m smart.

I am kind.

Today is a great day.

I am brave.

I am beautiful.

Positive affirmations to start your day

Positive Affirmations For Moms

I’m a good mom.

I am exactly who my kid needs.

I’m capable of amazing things.

I am grateful for the time I get to spend with my kids.

I’ll show my kids love through my actions and words.

My kids don’t need a perfect mom.

I will stay calm, even in the midst of chaos.

I’m not “just” a mom.

Positive affirmations for moms

Positive Affirmations To Say To Your Kids

I love hanging out with you.

I’m praying for you.

I love you and so does God!

You are kind.

You are a good kid.

I love hearing what you want to share.

I’m proud of you.

You inspire me.

You’re so brave.

You don’t need to be perfect.

I will always love you.

You are a joy to be around.

You are a gift from God.

Positive affirmations to say to your kids

In short, I hope this doesn’t feel too hard or daunting. Just start small!

Most importantly, do your best to just keep reminding yourself and the kids in your life how valuable and loved you and your kids are!

I hope these positive and Christian affirmations help you in your daily life!

If you’re looking for more, be sure to check out my 5 Tips to Help You Find the Joy Again if you need an extra boost of happiness in your life!

As always, thanks for reading!


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