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Tips for Enjoying Cut Hydrangea & How to Revive Wilted Blooms!

You have that bouquet of freshly cut hydrangea in a vase just waiting to bring joy to your home for days and weeks to come. But suddenly they’re sad and wilted!

Are they a lost cause? Are you out precious money or beautiful blooms from your front yard? Nope! Today I’m sharing all about how to revive hydrangeas to keeping them looking fresh and beautiful in a vase.

Tips for Enjoying Hydrangea in Vase + How to Revive Wilted Blooms!

Earlier this summer I shared all about another one of my favorite flowers, lilacs, and how to keep lilacs from wilting after cutting. I’ve loved learning about different outdoor flowers and how to keep them fresh and beautiful in vases in your home!

Here are some tips for keeping your hydrangea in a vase alive and beautiful!

Tips for Enjoying Cut Hydrangea & How to Revive Wilted Blooms!

How to Revive Hydrangea in a Vase

1. Cut the stems at an angle.

Then, cut them again straight up towards the blooms. Hydrangea (just like lilacs) love to drink a LOT a water and they need as much surface area to do that. So give it a good cut to help it out!

Split the stem to encourage water to reach the blooms

2. Dip the stems in alum powder.

Truthfully I’ve never tried it but it comes highly recommended by the pros! Alum powder can be found in the spice aisle at your local grocery store. This helps it take in more water.

3. Put it directly in boiling water.

Hydrangea creates a sap that can seep out after you cut it. The sap can cause clog which makes it difficult for water to get past it to the blooms.

Put stems in boiling water to release the sap

You can either dip the stems into boiling water for ~10 seconds or just fill your vase with boiling water and allow it to cool off.

4. Mist the blooms.

Hydragena are one of the only flower that can drink water through the blooms! Misting the blooms every day allows them to stay extra hydrated.

You can also just dunk the heady of the hydrangea in water if it’s looking really sad! Dunk the whole flower in water for 45 minutes. This will revitalize them!

Tips for Enjoying Hydrangea in Vase + How to Revive Wilted Blooms!

5. Give it fresh water daily.

Like most flowers, they like to have fresh water! They also drink a ton of it so by getting in the habit of filling up its vase daily will ensure it has enough water to drink.

I hope these tips work for you and you’re able to enjoy your hydrangea for weeks and weeks!

Tips for Enjoying Hydrangea in Vase + How to Revive Wilted Blooms!

What other tips did I miss?

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