
Live with more joy & less overwhelm with a decluttered & organized home!

Tired of constantly feeling like you have to clean up? Overwhelmed by the chaos of your own home? Time to declutter and get organized!

#1 Categorize Your Items

Before you tackle your clutter, here's how to categorize everything in your home!


If you've used it in the last 6 months to a year or has sentimental value that your grandkids would appreciate, keep it.



Pass on clothes to friends, donate items to a non-profit or utilize your local Buy Nothing Group!



Set a time limit (such as 2 weeks) and fix whatever is broken/needs to be brought to a seamstress/whatever.  If it's not fixed within that time frame, donate them!



Your last resort option! Anything that can't be fixed or donated belongs in this category.


#2 Have  A Plan

If you don't have some sort of plan, you'll likely get burnt out and never finish.

Join Me!

I have a free 30 Day Declutter Challenge to help you finally tackle the clutter and organize your home. It's complete with a free calendar to print off to track your progress! 

Find more declutter and organizing tips on the blog!