All About Facial Steamers

Facial steamers boast many skin benefits — but is facial steaming right for you? Here are the answers to your most pressing questions!

How does a facial steamer work?


The steamer heats water in a water until steamy. Once it’s heated up, the machine will emit hot steam, which helps soften the skin and loosen oil or debris in your pores.

How do I use a facial steamer?


First, wash your face! Always steam clean skin. If you're new to steaming, do it for 5-10 minutes, and work up to 15. Follow up with your favorite serum and moisturizer to lock in the moisture!

Do I need a steamer to steam my face? 


Not at all! One common DIY method is to hover your face over a bowl of steaming water, with a towel over your head, for 5-10 minutes.

Is it good to steam my face every day?


No! You should steam your face once or twice a week for no more than 15 minutes.

Are there any disadvantages to facial steaming?


Steam may aggravate sensitive skin and lead to “facial flushing,” causing redness. It can also dry out your skin if you’re skin doesn’t have excess oil.

To find this answer and even more tips, click the link below!

So, is a facial steamer worth it?