How to Remove Lash Extensions at Home

The safest and best choice is to always get your lash extensions removed by a professional lash artist.  If you're in a bind and need some tips to remove them at home, here's 3 things to try!

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1. Steamy SHowers or a facial steamer

The steam from the hot water will help to loosen your lashes and help speed up the process of them falling out.

2. Oil-Based Cleanser

Using an oil-based facial cleanser or makeup remover can help dissolve the eyelash extension glue. Use the cleanser  and gently rub in circles to loosen the lash glue.

3. Coconut Oil

Dip a cotton ball in coconut oil and place it on your eyelids for 5-10 minutes. Wipe your eye and repeat!


As a reminder, the safest way to remove your lash extensions is by a lash professional. Always be careful with anything around your eyes!

Head  to for after care  tips more help!