How to Make an Easy Statement Floral Wall Hanging

A few hours and a handful of supplies will give a statement wall hanging for your home!

What you need: 1. Chicken wire 2. Hammer & nails 3. Assortment of dried floral

Let's do this!

1. Measure your wall

First determine how big you want your wall hanging and mark it off on the floor to help you plan your design.

2. Plan your design

Gather all of your floral and lay them out. Plan out your design on the floor prior to beginning to hanging it on the wall.

3. Hang chicken wire

Cut your chicken wire to be slightly smaller than your intended wall hanging and attach to the wall with nails in each corner.

4. Start hanging!

Starting from the outside start hanging your floral.

5. Keep hanging

Keeping hanging until you have your wall hanging exactly how you want it!


That's it! You're all set to enjoy your new statement wall hanging.

Bonus: swap colors!

Easily switch things up for each season by removing certain colors or adding new ones!

Want more tips? Head to the blog!