Diaper Bag Checklist - Exactly What You Need In Your Bag

A mom of 3 shares exactly what you need in your diaper bag. Ready to be a pro mom? Let's do this!

Let's do this!

Let's get to it:

Let's get to it:

1. Diapers + Wipes

Starting with the obvious, diapers! Best rule of thumb is 1 diaper for every 2 hours you'll be out.

Green Curved Line


My best mom hack is to use a full size pack that you've already used half of. Travel sizes are costly and full packs are too big!

3. portable changing pad

You never know where you'll be changing your baby!

4. Change of clothes

A full outfit for your baby and a change of underwear/pants for a potty training toddler is a necessity.

5. waterproof wet bag

Whether it's a blowout, accident or gross bib, these come in handy far more than you'll realize.

6. Plastic bag

Another mom hack - use dog poop bags! Don't stink up your bff's bathroom after changing your bathroom.

7. Snacks

You're not a parent unless you have snacks in your bag - for both you and your little!

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