Foundation: How to Find the Right Shade

Finding the right shade of foundation can be tricky, but it’s so important for achieving a natural-looking finish.  Here are 4 tips to help you find your best shade!

Are you warm-toned (yellow, peach, or golden), cool-toned (pink or blue), or neutral (a mix of warm and cool)?  A Google search or session with a professional makeup artist can help answer that.

1. Determine your undertones.

Test the foundation on your jawline, not your wrist or hand, which may not match your face.

2. Test it.

Check the color in natural light, as indoor lighting can be misleading.

3. Check it.

If you have oily skin, you may want a matte finish, while dry skin may benefit from a hydrating or dewy finish.

4. Consider your skin type.

Want to learn how to choose the best foundation and concealer — and how to apply them?  Click the link below!