How to Get  Your Suede Shoes Clean Again

You don't need to be scared to buy those fancy suede shoes! Here's how to keep them clean and looking brand new.


Here's what you need


Hard Bristle Suede Brush


Paper Towels or Microfiber Washcloth


White Vinegar or Rubbing Alcohol

Green Curved Line

Water Repellent Spray


Suede  or Pencil Eraser

A Razor



1. Let them dry

Never clean your suede shoes when they're wet! Use a towel or paper towel to absorb the wetness.

2. Brush them

Use a firm-bristle suede brush, gently rub the shoe's surface in one direction.

3. Use an eraser

Use a suede rubber or a regular pencil eraser to remove stains or scuffs that are deep.

4. Use White vinegar for difficult stains

A small amount of white vinegar or rubbing alcohol can help stubborn stains.

5. Fluff the fabric

Using a brush or razor blade, gently shave loose strings away and smooth the texture of the suede.

6. Spray them

Apply a  suede protectant spray to make them water resistant.

That's it!

The link below has TONS more details on each step to guide you through this!

Want more tips and product recommendation? Head to the blog!